POLL: Over 99.5% of Conservatives Report Having Not Watched the Oscars

A recent poll of over 800 self-identified conservatives conducted on the ConservativeOpinion.com Facebook page asked simply “Did you watch the Oscars?” Only 4 people, out of 820, responded “Yes,” which is less than one half of one percent. One reader seemed to summarize the general mood of the others, saying “Why waste my time watching […]

Bernie and AOC Want to Turn Your Credit Cards into Their Welfare Program, and the Post Office into a Welfare Office!

The Loan Shark Prevention Act would socialize credit markets, and force the Post Office to cash bad checks. Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you find yourself agreeing with Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on any matter of economics, you should probably rethink your position, wonder where you went wrong, and withdraw from commenting […]