Elon Musk standing in front of the U.S. Capitol, symbolizing his challenge to Washington’s unelected power.

Elon Musk Exposed Washington’s Shadow Government—That’s Why They Hate Him

The moral panic currently sweeping through the ranks of the American political class—most notably among Democrats in Congress—concerns the fact that Elon Musk is unelected and is meddling with the work of other people in government who are also unelected. We are, apparently, supposed to share that concern. The great horror of our time, we […]

Note to Republicans: Americans Like Big Government. They’d Also Like Solutions.

We’re a “right of center country.” The majority of Americans are conservatives. Americans hate big government.  This all goes without saying, right? Not exactly. These are the central observational axioms of the modern Republican Party, and they are not modern at all, or even especially accurate.  They are at best anachronistic, and at worst gross […]

Liberals Have Us On The Wrong Track With High-Speed Rail

Joblessness is near ten percent, the national debt is approaching one hundred percent of our entire gross domestic product, and more and more states and municipalities are facing insolvency.  But those troubles are apparently too difficult for our government to solve, so our President has instead chosen to tackle the non-problem of our trains travelling […]