When I was in law school, this would have been in the early 2000s, we were compelled to take a standard core curriculum the first year, but in the second and third years we were given great latitude in the courses in which we enrolled. The school’s official position was that we should take a […]
Category: Race
Conservatives Should Not Have a Positive View of the Confederacy
While the Confederacy, and its flag, undoubtedly mean something different to many people now, there are enough people for whom they retain their original, intended, explicit meaning, that both should be rejected as symbols of the worst movement, the worst moment, and the worst institutions in American history.
Take Down the Confederate Statues, For Goodness Sake!
It’s one thing to debate the proper place of men who did great things and incidentally owned slaves, like Washington, Jefferson, and Columbus, or who, post-slavery, still harbored racist feelings of white supremacy that remained prevalent, especially among the “enlightened” class, such as Woodrow Wilson, all of whom arguably get more of a pass than they should. But Lee and the Confederates are honored specifically for fighting in defense of the institutions of slavery and white supremacy.
Yes, Black Lives Matter
I heard someone once say that God is colorblind, so we should be also. But I don’t think God is colorblind. I think He made us all different because there’s beauty in variety. And yet, though He made us all different, He made us each in His image. I suggest that the real problem is […]
Trump Needs His Own Civil Rights Act
President Trump needs to hit the streets with an ambitious civil rights act based on the following principles: School choice is a civil right. A college education is a civil right. And a good job is a civil right. With a little more than 500 days remaining before the next presidential election, President Trump finds […]
NFL Players Are Protesting the Results of Liberal Policies. Conservatives Should Join Them.
Maybe instead of forever criticizing these players, it would be better to acknowledge racial injustices in this country and point out that they are caused by bad liberal policies. With the NFL’s preseason underway, players taking a knee in protest of racial injustice is once again part of the national conversation, in no small part […]