There is something inherently amusing about the notion that the United States might endeavor to annex Canada. Not amusing in a laugh-out-loud way, but rather in the way that one might find an eccentric uncle at Thanksgiving proposing, with great sincerity, that we all invest in ostrich farming. There is a certain charm in the […]
Category: Foreign Policy
Democrats’ Tariff Hypocrisy: Trump’s Policies Aren’t New, Just Newly Criticized
President Trump has been back in office for just two weeks, and already, the usual suspects are howling about his trade policies. The outrage is predictable, the talking points rehearsed: tariffs will crush consumers, destroy jobs, cause inflation, and unravel the global economy. This is the same hysteria that greeted his first round of tariffs […]
Let Ukraine Win!
There is something profoundly peculiar, almost shameful, about the posture adopted by the United States and NATO regarding the Ukrainian war effort. I have written before on the imperative of conservatives — and indeed all those who cherish Western civilization and the benefits it bestows — to support Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. It is […]
The Conservative Case for Defending Ukraine
Let us begin with a point of agreement: sending more money to Ukraine is not exactly a popular proposition among conservatives today. How could it be? The United States, it is rightly observed, seems never to have enough for its own people. We cannot secure our own borders, provide affordable healthcare, or reasonably priced college […]
Brittney Griner is a Prisoner of War
Whatever you think about her politics, and I don’t think much of them, there can be no serious doubt that Brittney Griner is a political prisoner of a war. She has been captured by an enemy regime, against whom we are engaged in a war, and as a consequence of that war and our involvement, she is being held hostage in order to be used as leverage against American interests.
Trump’s Tariffs Will Reduce Trade Deficits By Reducing Trade
It’s too bad that good politics rarely makes for good economics. Donald Trump’s historic election was in no small part due to his brilliant electoral strategy of focusing on the neglected blue-collar “Rust Belt” states that his opponent took for granted — or forgot about, or were simply too dirty for her to visit — […]
Congratulations on North Korea, Mr. Trump. Now go to Flint, Michigan.
Trump should consider appointing a special master to oversee the Flint Water Crisis, like former New Jersey governor Chris Christie. President Trump just had his best week. After explaining to our “traditional allies” that we would no longer be their ATM, Trump travelled to Singapore to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in […]
Egypt Pits Obama 2009 against Obama 2011
By Jordan B. Rickards, Esq., and Dr. Timothy Michael Law, Ph.D., a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford Egypt, one of the world’s oldest civilizations and arguably its first great empire, today finds itself in the throes of birthing pains attendant to progress. As the world watches waves of protestors […]
President Obama’s Non-Answers Regarding the Non-War in Libya
As American military operations continue in Libya at a cost of $100 million per day, the President finally saw fit this past Monday to address the American people on the matter, after nine days of combat and not a word from our Commander in Chief since its inception. The President began his twenty-minute speech by […]
President Strangelove: How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bombs
Have we not yet learned anything of the limits of American hegemony? Even a cursory review of our post-Vietnam engagements in the Middle East shows a foreign policy almost entirely rooted in ineffectual militarism. Starting in the 1980s, we armed the Mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan (and thereby created Al Qaeda), had multiple encounters with Libya, […]