Jordan Rickards: 00:00 Welcome to’s video podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about the walkaway campaign, which I know many of you have heard of. It was started by a young gay man named Brandon Straka, who became disillusioned with Liberal Democrats and walked away and became a conservative, hence the name. It’s actually a huge movement with over 200,000 members on their Facebook page alone. And those people who do walk away, often post their stories in that page. I came across one such story, uh, that really caught my eye in particular. And it was from a young man who is our guest today. Julian Alcantar joins us from South Bend, Indiana, which has been in the news a lot lately because it’s mayor is Pete Buttigieg. I hope I’m pronouncing that correctly, who’s running for president, but it just, yeah. And uh, we’ll get to him in a minute. Uh, Julian is an artist. He’s a business owner. He’s also gay, which he mentions on his page. Not that I’m bringing it out, but this is critical, I think, to his story. And he’s also Mexican. He was brought here by his parents, a illegally as a child. Um, but he’s presently working on becoming a naturalized citizen, hopefully in time to vote in the next presidential election. Uh, Julian and welcome to and welcome also to the conservative movement.
Julian Alcantar: 01:10 Thank you Jordan. Thank you. It’s a pleasure being here on your platform.
Jordan Rickards: 01:13 Well, it’s our pleasure to meet you. It’s always good to meet a new friend, uh, who and just, let’s just make this easy. Just tell us your walkaway story. What inspired you? Not just to walk away but also to post about it. Got It.
Julian Alcantar: 01:25 So the, the main reason that, um, the inspiration behind the post was honestly I was just looking for, um, other people who could sympathize with what had happened with me. And, um, I wanted to find likeminded individuals because I do have my husband who, you know, he supports me 100% and I had a couple of other friends. But in all honesty, if felt like, like us, like a spell, like a witch spell that was over me and, and their negative energy, we’ll get to this story in a minute. Right? But, um, what they’d done to me, it felt like it was so heavy in my heart.
Jordan Rickards: 02:07 Who’s the, who we’re talking about?
New Speaker: 02:09 So, so we’re talking about, um, the Pete Buutigieg friends, basically they, um, they are in charge of different entities here in south bend, um, such as this Southbend museum of art and uh, uh, a department that is called a southbound venues, arts and parks, which is ran by Aaron Perry. Aaron Perry is basically Pete Buttigieg’s, uh, best friend.
Julian Alcantar: 02:36 Um, and um, so what had happened is we, um, we were collaborating for this event called the south are not the sub and it’s called the best week ever and the best week ever. What basically is, is, um, it’s a big block party that it’s on his third year. It’s a yearly thing and this is the third time. And, um, basically it’s just the way I see it. You know, I read between the lines and it’s just basically for Pete to, um, just kind of like flatter himself. Um, but I don’t want to, I don’t want to get, you know, I don’t want to get in that and that vibe just yet. I just want to tell this story first. So that’s what, and um, we were contacted by, um, uh, the person who was in charge of the marketing department and the South Bend Museum of art.
Julian Alcantar: 03:25 And she was in, in collaboration with the South Bend venues, arts and parks, who is hosting the best week ever. Right? So, um, within this huge event, we were to put an artistic activity for the whole community to come and experience the galleries that we have in town, the art galleries and the creative venues where the community can come and take part of different, um, activities that we would have for them. So, um, what happened to his, we met, uh, about four times. We came together as a group. We chose a precedent and a treasure. And, you know, I’m all the parts components of, of a group and I was to be in charge of the media, um, to build a website for everybody. And um, the social, the social aspect of it, like if Facebook, Twitter and all that. Um, so, um, what happened was, um, we were basically ready, we were ready to launch the website and everything until they found out that, um, op page that I run, which is on Facebook ads there a south bend renaissance.
Julian Alcantar: 04:36 This is a page that I admin, it’s my own page and I’ve opened it since 2012 because I’ve always been very into the community and helping, you know, beautify this trees and making our projects and all of that. So I opened his page, I’m just Kinda to feature that things are Southbend had in mind because, and 2010, I think, or 2011, there was an article that was published, um, and it had like the top 10 worst cities in America or something and in South Bay and South Bend made it in that list. So I opened the southern renaissance just to kind of feature, you know, the, the local events, local news and all that good stuff. So when Pete goes and he starts to run for president and, um, he starts bashing precedent, a Donald Trump, he starts, you know, just going like straight directly towards them to like, you know, just attacking him.
Julian Alcantar: 05:31 And, um, by, by that, by this time I was already sharing Trump things and my, and my personal page on my, on my Facebook, but we’re like, it was still kind of low key. I was still kind of just, you know, the peer pressure. Um, I, some people knew I was a supporter and some people didn’t and it wasn’t a big deal. I did loose a lot of a bunch of friends because of that. Um, but it wasn’t until it became a, because I was sharing it under the South Ben Renaissance page, right. That this group that I was collaborating with that I was telling you about, they, um, they just decided to just kinda just asked me out of the project. Um, they, they didn’t even talk to me. They didn’t even sit down and, and say, you know, um, I would have appreciated if they would’ve come to me and say, we think that the poster making, you know, maybe toning it down a little and blah, blah, blah, and, you know, just at least have a conversation while they had a conversation.
Julian Alcantar: 06:27 But in my bag behind my back. And, um, they, uh, the reason for them, um, Kathy at the South Bend Museum of art, She came and she’s one of the, um, the, the, the, and the group, right? So she comes and she tells me, um, Hey Julio. And, um, I just wanna let you know that we found someone else to replace you. And, um, we will no longer be needing the website skills that you were going to provide. And, um, and so what else is going to be doing what you were supposed to be doing? And, um, and then at the end she goes, um, we can still put your logo on the website if you still want that. So I thought that was pretty crazy. After, after they go and they hope they go behind my back, right. Um, but, um, the reason that she said it’s because I was sharing means of peat that were ugly.
Julian Alcantar: 07:20 So, so I was on the renaissance, the southern renaissance page. I started sharing memes about p that I, some Pete, some of them I created myself. Some of them, it was just, you know, started those memes just started going on, on the Internet. So I was sharing them according to Kathy deeds. Those means were ugly. And that was the reason why an art project and an our project that had nothing to do with politics, they took me out of it just because if you put two and two together, it’s because this, um, this, this whole project that was happening the best week ever, it was just related to beat, you know, and, and that’s what I don’t understand that then as, as you know, members of this society and this, this, this community in south bend, they need to understand that the, I don’t have to like the PR, the mayor who’s currently, you know, uh, running right now, I don’t have to like him in order to participate in this art events.
Julian Alcantar: 08:18 Like, we can all get along, we can all be in the same room without having to do like that mayor. Now, on the other hand, I did bring this up to Kathy and I told her, um, when we were meeting before, you know, when we were still just kind of talking about what we’re gonna do with the project, they were, they as a group, you know, how you know how to lift the left people are, they just, they have no regard for whether I am for, for Pete or not. They all were that, you know, they have that group mentality and um, they would all sit down yet we would talk about the project and all that. Right. But of course P is news and they, that’s what they would talk about Pete for like about 15, 20 minutes just talking about like, Oh, you know, uh, I hope he wins and when he wins, I’m going to get them this piece of art and Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Julian Alcantar: 09:09 And I never got offended because that was in my face. You know, they were right there. They were talking about it. And I never get offended. I never told him that. I didn’t want to hear what they were saying. You know what I mean? I was just respectful and I was an intelligent being because I don’t, you know, I just put, I just put things on the side and I, I, I didn’t care so, so that’s basically what happened. They just took me off the project and now it is emotionally, you know, cause I didn’t know at first cause I’m a really strong person and I like to always be happy and smiling. But when that happened to me, um, I, I just, you know, I was trying to stay positive and I was just, you know, keep a smile on my face. But it felt as as if, if I were to smile, it just felt like I was going to be fake with myself. You know.
Jordan Rickards: 09:56 Let me ask you something, first of all, could you just do me a favor and turn your speakers down about 50% cause I’m getting little bit of feedback here.
Julian Alcantar: 10:03 I’m pro, I’m probably talking too loud too.
Jordan Rickards: 10:06 no, it’s fine. Your volume is fine. I just, I can hear myself when I talk to you. All right. So that was a lot of good information. Um, and I think a lot of people wouldn’t have guessed that about, about Mayor Pete who actually, you know, I think he comes across as a nice guy, but you’re given a different, um, perspective here. Let me ask you though more about, uh, Julian the person, one of the things that caught my eye is a, this is a quote of yours. You said your parents moved you here when you were 14, and you all, you knew you always love the USA and it’s opportunities. Um, and when you heard Trump talk, you said that’s the America I want to be a part of. [inaudible] explain to explain to people who are listening to you what exactly you mean by that. What is, what is the America that you want to be a part of and how does Donald Trump reflect that for you?
Julian Alcantar: 10:49 Well, I believe, okay, so I always in my heart knew that the system was broken. Right? Like just the mere fact that, that we as, as illegal immigrants are able to just kind of walk around and breathe and just do like every, everyone else is doing. And yet they go behind our backs and they talk about how we are a problem. How this, how were that, that just was really shady. It just made no sense, you know? And, and, um, even though I was never into politics back in the day, I, um, I always just knew that there was something very iffy, very just bitchy. And I did understand the me being here is not, you know, it’s not a good thing because, you know, I was brought up here and all of that stuff. It’s, you know, it’s committing a crime and I am aware of 100% of all of that.
Julian Alcantar: 11:38 On the other hand, you’re poor. You’re putting in a position where like, gosh, what do I do now? You know what I mean? Like, I’m, I’m trying to do my best. I always in my heart knew that I wanted to do good for, for, for, for everyone and for the world. And, um, when I heard, um, when I started hearing about Donald Trump and, and, um, the things that he was, you know, just putting out for the people, um, I just, it really resonated with me as far as the corruption because even though I knew there was corruption, I was put off by politics, therefore I didn’t understand the whole picture in my heart. I thought that everybody was just wrong and crazy. And I come from, um, I guess, I guess we can, we can get into this spirituality side of, of, you know, my background.
Julian Alcantar: 12:26 Um, and I don’t necessarily mean religious spirituality, just kind of like, you know, um, our energetic bodies and all of that. I was awakened to that side of, of my beingness, um, prior about 2012 and this was through my painting. Um, I started to like experience some like, you know, just different things within my body and within my beingness. And then that just opened my mind to see a broader expect from Bob when, uh, when it came down to Donald Trump just talking about, he was basically just calling everybody out for what they were doing. Right. And then my mind, I was like, that’s what I’ve been, you know, that’s what I’ve been feeling. That’s what I thought. And then when he started breaking everything down, that’s when I started to get into politics. And that’s when I, when I thought, you know, that’s the America I want to be part of. I didn’t because that was another reason why I would never want to get, um, any type of citizenship status or a green card or anything because I was like, if these crazy people that are already, you know, just being corrupt with everything, why would I want to be part of that? You know what I mean? I was just like, I didn’t, I, I didn’t see a future ahead. I just knew my future was bright, but I didn’t want to be part of a society that was already corrupt.
Jordan Rickards: 13:40 Right. But to be clear though, you’re, you’re working on your naturalization now though.
Julian Alcantar: 13:44 Yeah. My husband and I are working on that. We actually have an, uh, an appointment tomorrow with our immigration attorney. Oh, okay. Oh, good.
Jordan Rickards: 13:54 Well, you know, you mentioned, uh, people how the country both lets people in illegally and then complains about them. Right. You know, I think, I think conservatives get a reputation for that. Although, I don’t know if you saw my page when I posted your walkaway thing. Um, we got about 200 likes and of of the comments we got, I counted, we had 40 positive comments against only for negative ones and the 40 positive ones all basically said the same thing. I have a few, I’m not going to read them all, but I have a few of them here. I wanted to read to you, you know, one, you know, welcome aboard. We’re so proud of you, a beautiful painting. We love your heart, beautiful artwork. Welcome to the party. Uh, I support anyone that wants to be an American and loves this country. Good for him. You know, welcome. We’re glad you’re working on your natural relation. I mean it’s, it’s 40 comments just like this and you know, we get this reputation as being people who are heartless and who hate immigrants, but we just, you know, most of us actually support a comprehensive
Jordan Rickards: 14:52 that a secure’s the borders because I think that’s necessary. But B gives people like you who actually loved the country and who are doing your best and making positive contributions, a fast pathway to become a citizen so that you can be part of this society and contribute positively like you’re already doing. Yeah. Yeah. That was one of my biggest surprises because on the walkaway group when I, uh, before I posted it, see, because I find myself and I started reading their stories right. And that group, and I, and I related with a lot of them, but I still find myself an odd position where, and I guess it’s a good thing where there isn’t a label, for example, like I’m not an African American person who is walking away from the Democratic Party or I’m not like, you see what I mean? I’m this alien person who is trying to be, you know, I want to, I want to be part of it is I want to be, I, I’m, I am already a part of it, but not in the legal side.
Julian Alcantar: 15:50 And, and that’s just like what I’m pushing for, you know, because I want to make sure that, um, I guess, let me share this other thing with you. I have this broader exp, um, um, this briader vision where, um, I guess you can call them my ultimate agenda where I believe that the United States of America will be, even though it already is, but it will be the example and the whole world for what it means to evolve as human beings. Because all we need to be is a creative ex… a creative expression of who we truly are. And that is what Donald Trump represents. He’s, he doesn’t claim to be perfect. He doesn’t claim to be an angel. He just simply is who he is. He is transparent person and he expresses everything he feels, how he feels and that, and in my opinion, that’s w that’s why he’s surrounded by so much wealth because he does, he’s not inhibited by anything. And of course he’s a genius, but, um, but he’s going to put that example here in this country and then other countries around the world are going to be looking at that as a model. So I want to be part of that 100%.
Jordan Rickards: 16:59 Well, let me ask you, how have you been treated by conservatives in general who have found out about this?
Julian Alcantar: 17:06 Um, in person I haven’t had any, uh, any like physical, um, because there’s such cowards, they don’t, they see me outside in the street and then they literally like go around to like to not face me.
Jordan Rickards: 17:19 You talking about conservatives?
Julian Alcantar: 17:21 I mean, not conservatives, the, uh, the leftists.
Jordan Rickards: 17:22 But I’m asking about conservatives here. How, how, how is, how have we treated you as a member of, uh, our movement here?
Julian Alcantar: 17:31 It was really within minutes that I posted the, um, the, uh, my, my testimonial on the walkaway, um, group within minutes. My, my heart just felt so much lighter because of all the positive comments that I was, that I was putting and I didn’t know, you know, I was putting myself in a position where I just let it all out and I want people to know that, that, you know, people like, like me exist and I hope someone else’s out there.
Julian Alcantar: 17:58 And if I can inspire to them, that would be awesome. But no, it was great. It was, it was like, it was very welcoming and it was very, uh, supportive. And like you said, there were some comments that were, I wouldn’t call them negative. They were just, um, you know, they had, they were, they had a little friction as far as my experience. And, um, I mean I like to say to that on that, on that side is, um, I understand that 100% where they come from and why they say that things they would say as far as like, you know, you’re here illegally, you got to get your things worked out first and all those type of things. I 100% understand that. And um, what I do say though is if you can find some, some space within your heart for forgiveness, that would be awesome. Not just for me, but to everyone in the world.
Jordan Rickards: 18:45 Well, you’re, your, your parents brought you here though. It’s not like you did this on your own. So for me, it’s not even a matter of forgiveness. It’s a matter of how do we now solve the situation you’re in. Okay. So let me, let me ask you, and this is kind of a personal question, if you don’t want to answer, I understand, but, um, I have a number of gay friends. I’m not getting myself, but I do have a number of gay friends who, all of whom are Republicans incidentally. Um, and I’ve gotta be careful about what I say here cause I’m not in the business of turning friends of mine into public figures. So I’m not gonna mention any names. But one of the things that I hear over and over again from these people and, and also just from stories online is, is this thing where people are saying, look, it was actually much harder for me to come out as a conservative than to tell people I was gay. Is that something that you can relate to?
Julian Alcantar: 19:34 Oh yeah, definitely. I had no problems coming out as a gay person at the age of 19. I actually, I just told everyone in my family. Um, it, you know, being a Hispanic, it was a little hard on the, um, my, my closest relatives didn’t have a problem, but like the uncles and all those things, they still hold like the Hispanic, the Mexican, you know, it’s very like they don’t really accept that lifestyle that much. But for my mom and my, my closest, uh, uh, siblings, it was easy. But now coming out as is a conservative my Facebook list went like it just shrink, like real fast within like a few days. And um, and yeah, like people who would talk to me sometimes they don’t talk to me anymore. Um, this actually goes back I guess, you know, I always knew I was a conservative. I mean I didn’t know I was a conservative, but I always was when I came here and I went to college, I mean to a high school, I, um, I started to embrace the culture and I started to pay really close attention to, to grammar and you know, how to write in English and how to pronounce things.
Julian Alcantar: 20:46 And within six I was already kind of, you know, within six months of being here in school, I was already kind of picking everything up and my classmates, um, would, would pick on me and they would make fun of me. They would tell me out, I’m trying to be a gringo and I’m just trying to, you know, just like nonsense. But I’m back in the day, I would just ignore them and I would just keep doing my thing. But you know, in my opinion, if you come to another country, first of all, you’re running away from something. Right? Right. So you have to rightful that someone else’s allowing you to be, well, you have to be thankful that you have the chance to go to another place where you can be happier or whatnot. That’s, that’s first of all. And then second of all, you’re not going to bring, it’s okay to hold your roots.
Julian Alcantar: 21:30 You know, I’m never going to deny being a Mexican in a Hispanic, but if I want to be a good asset, which I think everyone should be, if I want to be a good acid to this new culture and these new society that I, that I put myself in, I have to, you know, I have to do what everyone else is doing. I mean, not in that sense, but like, you know, I have to like fit in. So I didn’t adopt a culture too, to an extent. Yeah. So it all started back in high school. So I kind of got used to it by now.
Jordan Rickards: 21:57 Okay. Well, so you got to, you got some interesting stuff there. And you know, part of the reason I wanted you to be a guest today is when I read what you wrote. I felt like this was somebody who needed to know how many friends he has. And I want you to see, you know, that, that those of us on the right were we are inclusive people. We’re not going to like defriend you or something because you might say something we just disagree with. In fact, um, you know, we, we talked about, um, you being gay and everything and again, it’s just something that you brought up in your original posts. Um, it, it upsets me when I hear people, like you say that you were shunned when you came out as a conservative because we have such a problem with, I think depression among young people in particular among the gay community.
Jordan Rickards: 22:42 And it’s something I’ve been studying a lot lately. Cause I, you know, in my line of work and in my life, I’ve had to deal with suicides a lot. And I know that it’s a problem that’s much more pronounced in acute within that community. And so when I, and what a lot of it stems from is just people who are supposed to be your friends rejecting you, right? And so when someone like you comes out and says, look, you know, I’ve adopted to the culture. I’ve told people who I am and they’ve accepted me. They had no problem with that. But now I’m feeling rejected just because I happened to, uh, express my beliefs, I feel like, well now the same people who are supposed to be helping you are now victimizing you and pushing you into a feeling of loneliness when really, um, you know, my job here today is to help you feel more accepted and more loved and understand that you know, that you have a lot of friends. And I know that when you come out, and I’ve done this myself too, when you, when you stick your neck out and go out on a limb, you can feel really lonely, right? You can feel like the only person in the world and everybody is, has left you behind. But I think it’s important. I bet. Well, Hey, I’m in New Jersey, so it’s not that different but,
Jordan Rickards: 23:46 but, but um, you know, you should know that. I mean there are thousands if not millions of people who are very, very happy for you and honestly would still be happy for you even if you weren’t a conservative. I’m just happy that you know, you, you know, you’re, you’re doing well in life and you’ve got a, a great career and you’re, you’re happy to be a good American. Um, I just want to kind of give you an opportunity for real quick to tell us. Well, first of all, you got this great artwork. Let me, let me, let me just point this. Uh, put this picture up here real quick. Someone could see, this is a cat picture that got a lot of positive response on the page. Everyone loves this. In fact, a lot of people want to know if you could paint pictures of, of their pets for them. Uh, is that something that you do?
Julian Alcantar: 24:28 Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Um, you can, uh, you can definitely contact me directly. You can go to my website, it’s www, [inaudible] dot com. You can, you can direct message me there or you can add me on Facebook. Um, Julio inelegant are, um, and um, you could also, um, I actually, because of, uh, because of this response about the cat painting, I’d put it on my patron account. So you can also go to my patron account and my patron is patrion. So it’s p a t r e o Goulian. I’ll, I’ll make sure I link to it. That’s going to be a lot easier that way. And what is, I was just looking at your page. What does gallery 29, 10, what’s that about? So gallery is our, uh, our business. It’s our, it’s our studio slash art gallery.
Julian Alcantar: 25:22 So what it is, it’s a community. It’s a community. It’s open to the community to come in and paint. We host paint parties. Um, if you can do, you can have a birthday celebrated here with a paint party. We host monthly our exhibits where we feature local and regional artists. Of course, we figured our art as well. And, um, so yeah, we’ve had it since 2016 and it actually started as a, my husband and I were doing a volunteer project for finding you. Sorry, I’m just putting two and two together for the best week ever. It was the first year that happened and we um, we were called to, um, it was kind of like a pop up gallery. It was going to be one time only. Uh, Greg and I just putting a ton of work in it and you know, one thing just led to the other and we already had the artists, we had the concepts.
Julian Alcantar: 26:18 So we just decided to run with it and we turned it into a business.
Jordan Rickards: 26:21 Okay. Well that’s great. Well I’m gonna, I’m gonna put up links to everything. Is there anything before we, before we end for that, cause I actually do have to go to work. Um, is there anything else that you think, uh, you know, you’d like to say to our, to our audience or to anybody who, you know, um, who, who just like to know more about you and your story or anything like that?
Julian Alcantar: 26:40 Well, I would like to say the reason why I support the wall 100%, even if it’s, you know, whatever physical look a give a like it gets. The reason I supported is because I have suffer a lot and I’m not trying to make myself a victim. Okay. But I’m saying what I’ve been through, my family and I have suffered so much for coming here.
Julian Alcantar: 27:02 Supposedly you don’t have to get a better life, but what you trade the trade off is not worth it at all. So, so I want to let everyone know that that’s one of the reasons, not because I don’t want any more Mexicans, not because of no, but just because these people are using this, this illegal immigration and I’m talking to these people that powers that being they’re using it for, for very different purposes. Then just, you know, oh, allowing the immigrants to come through and we were just debate for their bigger, um, um, I’m terrible, terrible things that they have going on. And we were just, you know, we fell into that. One of the things I put on my website, I say I was a, I’m the result of the mass indoctrination that tells people that they need to leave. They, they need to leave their country, which is a total lie.
Julian Alcantar: 27:49 I mean, yes, granted their resources aren’t great, but you can make a living down there. So if you’re, if you’re watching this or, or if you know anyone who is considering coming across illegally, maybe just show them this video and let them know that even though I’m making the best, you know, I’m making the best of my experience here. It has not been very fun. And because you, you were stripped from your values, you are, yeah, you’re walking around here, you feel like you’re free. But living it’s an illegal person is not a very fun thing to do
Jordan Rickards: 28:20 because, uh, because you, you’re kind of like in a state of purgatory, you’re saying like, you’re here but you’re not here.
Julian Alcantar: 28:26 Exactly. Yeah. You’re not from here. You’re not from over there. So it’s like, it’s just very disturbing for the mind.
Jordan Rickards: 28:33 Well, I’m sorry to hear that. And I think that’s why we need to an immigration system that brings people in, in such a way that we’re putting them in a position to succeed and also to kind of merge into the existing communities that they’re in as opposed to this thing where, you know, 2000 people walk across the border every day or something like this. And then, you know, instead of like becoming part of the community, they kind of, they’re in their little areas and then there’s this area over here and, and it’s just, it’s just not working. And you’re right, I think, I think it’s being used as pawns, you know, I think I’ll, I’ll be honest with you, I think a lot of Democrats, they think, well, we’re going to bring all these people over here and they’re all going to vote for us.
Jordan Rickards: 29:11 Cause they’re all gonna think a like or something like that, which is the first mistake their making. And, uh, I think they’re not really thinking about the longterm consequences and they’re not even thinking about the best interests of people like you. Because if the people we bring over here aren’t put in a position to succeed, then there is going to be a lot of resentment on both sides. The people who brought over here, it can be resentful that they’re becoming part of a permanent underclass and that the other people who are already here are going to saying, well, you know, why am I losing more money to pay to pay for all of them? So instead of having this system that pits everyone against each other, let’s have a system that brings people in as we can accept them in. Let’s get people like you naturalized cause you’re doing all the right things.
Jordan Rickards: 29:49 Okay. And then, then we can kind of all move forward as one unified people. Let’s say. It has to be group think because I think the culture is better when it’s got a lot of different dimensions to it. And certainly you with your artwork and your perspective, you certainly bring that you had a lot of color, I think to our country literally and figuratively. And I’m very, uh, we’re very glad for it. But right now we’re just, you’re right, we’re using people as pawns right now and we’re setting everyone up for failure. Well Julian and this has been really great. I’m really glad we had you on and you’re certainly welcome to, uh, to come back whenever you have anything else you want to talk about. In fact, I have to say I sent you a a messenger request. I never sent you a formal face friend requests.
Jordan Rickards: 30:29 I’m going to do that today and uh, whenever you want to come back on or talk about anything, you have a, an open invitation. Okay. My friend. I already sounds good. Thank you so much for all the support and for allowing me to be here. Okay, well thanks. It’s been our pleasure. All right everybody, Julian Alcantar remember, go to his gallery 29, 10 and I’m also going to post the links to his Patreon account. In fact, I’m going to post the link to my Patreon account one of these days. You guys can help me out too when I set it up, but make sure to buy some of his art and if it would be a really cool, a really cool gift to get your, your, your pet painted by him. All right. Thank you Julian. Take care of, talk to you soon. Thank you. Bye guys. Hey, bye.