Yesterday’s unprecedented chaos in Washington, D.C., was one of the darkest moments in our history. Here are some of my thoughts on it: 1) I remember watching President Trump take a dump on the first presidential debate a few months ago and thinking that my disgust with a politician would never be exceeded. That was […]
Tag: trump
Debunking the Lies about Trump’s Social Security Plan
The latest scare tactic of the left is to tell seniors that Trump’s Social Security plan will bankrupt the program in just a few short years. This is false. And I don’t mean it’s an economic fallacy, that different economists can analyze differently and disagree on. I mean it’s just a lie which results from people taking his words out of context, and then ignoring the important parts, because there’s an election and the left wants to scare seniors. It is true that if you were to eliminate payroll taxes that Social Security would go bankrupt within a few years, but ONLY IF YOU DIDN’T PAY FOR IT SOME OTHER WAY! Trump’s plan is not simply to eliminate Social Security taxes, but to replace funding for Social Security directly from the government’s general fund. And if anything, this would be much more progressive. The 12% payroll tax that presently funds Social Security is regressive, imposed as it is on all income up to $137,000, regardless of your tax bracket. By shifting the revenue source to the general funds, which are paid for disproportionately by higher earners, the tax burden of Social Security would be moved away from the poor and middle class, and onto the wealthy. But please everyone, don’t let facts get in the way of useful lies.
I cannot support the irredeemably political impeachment of President Trump
While reasonable people can disagree on the extent to which political motivations should factor into political decisions, the same people who most strongly condemn Trump’s motivations should similarly condemn his impeachment as irredeemably political.
Trump Needs His Own Civil Rights Act
President Trump needs to hit the streets with an ambitious civil rights act based on the following principles: School choice is a civil right. A college education is a civil right. And a good job is a civil right. With a little more than 500 days remaining before the next presidential election, President Trump finds […]
It’s About Time Someone Acknowledged the Border Crisis as a National Emergency!
After decades of neglect, political grandstanding, phony promises, and absolutely nothing happening to improve the crisis on the American-Mexican border, President Trump this week declared a national emergency in order to finally take meaningful steps to continue construction of the much-needed border wall. This action, of course, raises a number of important questions, not the […]
The Border Wall Speech Trump Should Have Given
Like him or not, one has to concede that President Trump’s speechwriting team does not do him any favors. This was perhaps never more evident than during the President’s primetime speech to the nation this past week, wherein he made his strongest plea yet for a border wall. It could have been, and needed to […]
Trump’s Next Attorney General Should Be New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez
There’s an old proverb of questionable veracity that says that the Chinese word for “crisis” is the same as “opportunity.” President Trump must have taken that to heart, because he is especially adept at creating such opportunities for himself, the latest of which results from the obviously coerced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who […]
It’s the President’s Job to Interpret the Birthright Citizenship Clause, and Trump’s Interpretation is Correct
President Trump made news this past week by declaring that his Administration would break from the longstanding interpretation (or rather, indifference) of previous administrations with respect to the requirements of the 14th Amendment’s birthright citizenship clause, arguing that the Constitution does not confer citizenship on children born on American soil to parents without permanent legal […]
Trump’s Tariffs Will Reduce Trade Deficits By Reducing Trade
It’s too bad that good politics rarely makes for good economics. Donald Trump’s historic election was in no small part due to his brilliant electoral strategy of focusing on the neglected blue-collar “Rust Belt” states that his opponent took for granted — or forgot about, or were simply too dirty for her to visit — […]
Congratulations on North Korea, Mr. Trump. Now go to Flint, Michigan.
Trump should consider appointing a special master to oversee the Flint Water Crisis, like former New Jersey governor Chris Christie. President Trump just had his best week. After explaining to our “traditional allies” that we would no longer be their ATM, Trump travelled to Singapore to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in […]