I’ve always believed it important for conservatives to have liberal friends, both because of the imperative to constantly challenge one’s own assumptions, and, as this past week reminded us, because liberals are great to have around for entertainment, especially when things do not go their way. If only our friends on the Left knew of […]
Tag: conservative
Conservatives Should Not Have a Positive View of the Confederacy
While the Confederacy, and its flag, undoubtedly mean something different to many people now, there are enough people for whom they retain their original, intended, explicit meaning, that both should be rejected as symbols of the worst movement, the worst moment, and the worst institutions in American history.
A Conservative Tribute to John McCain
John McCain will be remembered as a lot of things, but probably not as a conservative. At least, not by conservatives. That’s a shame. He was not a typical conservative, but there can never be any one version of conservatism, since conservatism is about ideas. The moment we stop exchanging ideas we stop being a […]
Letter to the Editor: From Drug Addict Criminal to Clean and Conservative
By Anastasia Hearn Criminals and addicts are people too. This is a challenging subject to approach, but it is also a unique opportunity for the conservative movement to change the lives of many people. I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. In 2014, I was charged with third-degree burglary, conspiracy to commit third-degree burglary, […]
Millennial Minute Episode 1: The Janus Decision
By Katie Cericola Liberals overreact. Recently, many liberals are proclaiming the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus to end mandatory public union dues as “the death knell to public unions”. It is the end to something. It is the end of public employee unions which do not represent public employees. Until now, union dues were required, […]