“what you find if you listen to people like that is that you don’t have to apologize for conservatism. There are certainly some things that you can’t be entirely doctrinaire about, and you can’t you can’t be thoughtless about it and you have to realize that other people have perspectives too. And there’s probably something to what they’re saying. But you don’t have to apologize for believing that everybody should have opportunities in this world. You don’t have to apologize for believing that socialism is wrong and that it hurts the very people it purports to be able to help that. If you’re a conservative, you don’t have to say, ‘Oh, I’m a conservative, but I, but I don’t hate the poor.’ You can say ‘I’m a conservative because I love the poor, because I love African-Americans, because I care about gay Americans and immigrant Americans. And that’s why I don’t want to see them hurt by what the left is doing, which has failed everywhere it’s been tried.'”
Tag: conservatism
Letter to the Editor: From Drug Addict Criminal to Clean and Conservative
By Anastasia Hearn Criminals and addicts are people too. This is a challenging subject to approach, but it is also a unique opportunity for the conservative movement to change the lives of many people. I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. In 2014, I was charged with third-degree burglary, conspiracy to commit third-degree burglary, […]