Nominating Amul Thapar to the Supreme Court Will Allow Trump To Take The Offensive In What Will Be A Tough Battle.

This is going to be a fight. Trump should select Judge Amul Thapar to go to battle with him.  With the long-overdue retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, conservatives, by nature a pessimistic lot, are uniformly gleeful at the prospect of replacing this moderate “swing vote” with a judge dedicated to traditional conservative values.  […]

Merrick Garland’s Nomination Was Not “Stolen,” And It May Have Elected President Trump

Nominating Merrick Garland may have been the biggest mistake President Obama ever made. Christmas came in June this year for Republican followers of the Supreme Court, and let’s be honest, the Supreme Court is probably the primary reason that most Republican voters continue to vote Republican. The Good Lord knows it’s not because we ever […]