“Defund the Police” Really Means “Defund the Police”

It strikes me as odd that the “defund the police” movement has to explain itself to the rest of us ignoramuses as “really being about funding other initiatives.” Why not just name the movement after the initiatives you want? Since when are movements named after their source of funding? It would be like someone wanting more funding for the arts, and chanting “defund infrastructure projects!” Or more funding for schools, and chanting “defund sanitation workers!” What it really shows is that to the extremists on the radical Left, the police are seen as the enemy, and that the goal is to weaken the police. The irony is that one of the most obvious racial inequalities in this country is that African-Americans have to live in areas in which there is a lot of crime and are therefore victimized by crime more than any other group. If anything, they need more police protection.